Cheboygan Crib Light

The Cheboygan Crib Light now rests some 2,000 feet from its original location offshore in Lake Huron. It was first built in 1884 and was rebuilt just after the turn of the century to weather the rough seas that plagued its location. It was automated in the 1920s and, within a few decades, became unnecessary as shipping technology became far more advanced than it had been when the light was constructed in the 1880s. In 1984, the light was removed from its post in the depths of Lake Huron and moved to the shoreline of Gordon Turner Park, right where the Cheboygan River dumps into Lake Huron. The light still operates from time to time, but more so for show than anything else. Further down the pier sits the Cheboygan Pierhead Light, which marks the end of the pier. The light is easily accessible from Gordon Turner Park, and it is easy to see both the Crib Light and Pierhead Light in a short walk from the park.