Schweitzer Falls

There are three things that I vividly remember about visiting Schweitzer Falls for the first time.
One, it was incredibly easy to get to, considering how unknown it is. Seriously, it’s only a few minutes from the road. There’s an unmarked two-track just south of where the Schweitzer Creek passes under Missouri Road. Head west on that until it forks and take the right path. A short while later, a footpath veers to the right. You’ll likely be able to hear rushing water by this point, especially if you’re visiting in the spring or after a heavy rain. From there, the falls are a short way off. You’ll approach from higher ground but can explore below and above the falls.
Two, these falls are simply stunning. They’re a lot larger than they appear in photos online, and there are quite a few vantage points from which to get unique views of the waterfall. My favorite view is from above, as you can see the entire thing, but the sound of the water from below is hard to beat. To be thorough, it’s worth spending time at all the vantage points!
Third, there are a lot of ticks here. Or, at least, there were when my dog Scrappy and I visited. We stayed on the trail and weren’t here very long, and I pulled two off Scrappy’s fur while photographing the falls. This was in the spring when ticks are very active. Regardless, check yourself and your furry friends!
Schweitzer Falls is well worth the visit if you’re okay hiking without proper trail markings and trails that aren’t expertly groomed. The hike is easy, and the view is well worth the short journey to get there! While in Marquette, this waterfall is a no-brainer.