Silver River Falls

Silver River Falls is a series of rapid-like falls that start just after a sandstone bridge right off M-26. The falls are located kiddy-corner to the eastbound entrance of Brockway Mountain Drive. The parking lot is across the street; after a short walk down a set of rugged stairs, the upper falls present themselves. They’re not terribly majestic, but the scenery is very stunning. There are trails that follow the Silver River for a while before forking into a number of smaller trails.
Silver River Falls are easily accessible, wadable at points, and are very peaceful most of the year. If you’re going to or from Brockway Mountain or Copper Harbor, there’s no reason not to stop and check out these roadside falls. If you aren’t into waterfalls, the old sandstone bridge is worth viewing, too. It was built in 1930 and resembles the M-26 bridge over Cedar Creek and US-41 bridge over Fanny Hooe Creek. The bridge is constructed from concrete but has decorative sandstone finishes.