Stepping Stone Falls

In the northeast corner of Flint, the Flint River is dammed, creating C.S. Mott Lake. The dam itself is over 500 feet wide, letting water flow onto two separate branches of the Flint River before merging a short walk away. On the west side of the dam, water flows a few feet down into a swirling brown pool before entering the river. On the east side of the dam is Stepping Stone Falls. The man-made waterfalls seem to be inspired by brutalist architecture and offer a number of different platforms with unique views of the river, falls, and lake. There are a number of different trails to reach the damn, but my favorite is the one that follows the river from the parking area on North Bray Road just north of Carpenter. The lake and river are known for their bass fishing, and friends of mine have caught some giant bluegill here as well. In the evening, the falls are illuminated with a number of different colored lights. Winter is my favorite time to visit the dam, especially after the sun has set. No matter when you visit, Stepping Stone Falls will surprise you with its beauty, serenity, and accessibility.