Fort Gratiot County Park

Since our first trip rock hunting on Lake Huron, we’ve been recommended Fort Gratiot County Park dozens of times. It’s a favorite among many for searching for stones in the summer months, enjoying a dop in Lac des Hurons, or taking a walk on the paths that wind through the park. There are a ton of pavilions and a bathhouse, all of which were empty upon our snowy but sunny visit. The playground is a little old but by no means dated. There are a bunch of slides and some musical instruments, too.
We visited in the winter, but some stones were visible for the taking. I was able to get my hands on a nice piece of granite just to say I had picked the beach in mid-February, but other than that, there wasn’t too much to find. From what we saw and the photos I have seen online, it appears that the rock haul is similar to what we experienced at Lakeport State Park a few miles up the road.
The park was very enjoyable, even in sub-freezing temperatures. The waves crashing against the ice built up on the shoreline were somber yet powerful, and I knew we would be back to hunt for stones in warmer weather. The only question, at this point, is when?