Hogback Mountain

Hogback Mountain was one of the more difficult but rewarding hikes I have undertaken in the great state of Michigan. Although the out-and-back trail is under three miles, on your climb to the top of the mountain, you will ascend over 600 feet, crossing rivers, creeks, and rocky terrain unlike any other place in Michigan I have seen on your journey. Hogback Mountain is a part of the Huron Mountain Range, an ancient range dating back to the Precambrian Age. The trail up Hogback wasn’t marked as well as I would have liked, but it’s fairly easy to stay on track if you study the map beforehand and follow the markers that are visible. The summit of Hogback Mountain offers views of Sugarloaf Mountain, Marquette, Lake Superior, and the Huron Mountains, and is one of my favorite views in Michigan. The hike won’t take you too long but expect to spend quite some time at the summit enjoying the view. The trail is accessible year-round, but snowshoes or spikes are highly recommended when snow is on the ground.