Lakeport State Park

Lakeport State Park is, in my opinion, the best beach for rock hunting within about an hour of Detroit. Located about 10 miles north of Port Huron, Lakeport offers a little over a mile of Lake Huron's shoreline, most of which has rocks. A perfect day trip away from Metro Detroit, we have spent many hours sitting along the beach at Lakeport.
It might not have agates or a plethora of Petoskey Stones, but we have always enjoyed our time rock hunting at Lakeport. The park also offers a campground with 250 sites along the lake, which is very popular in the summer.
Our favorite way to experience Lakeport State Park is to park in the gravel lot just before the park booth and start walking northward toward the campgrounds. After about a quarter mile, there will be a path leading into the woods on your right. After about a quarter mile on the wooded path, you will reach Lake Huron.
Some years, due to high water levels, there isn’t much beach left at a lot of points, but where there is beach remaining, there are rocks. If you head northward on the beach, you will eventually run into the campground, and if you head southward, you will eventually leave the park and reach where Milwaukee Creek and Lake Huron meet.
Lakeport State Park is by no means a massive park, but it is easy to reach, we have found many pretty stones here, and is enjoyable for picnics on the shores of Lake Huron. To reach the park, head north on M-25 from Port Huron until you see the sign for the state park.