North Tamarack Park

North Tamarack Park isn’t anything special, but that’s what makes it unique.
It features a small sign denoting its existence, a small table, and a few chairs. The park overlooks a small body of water that runs under the road before entering a wetland bounded by old mines.
The park isn’t the kind of place to spend all day, but it’s a fine place to sit and enjoy a pasty (try the Mohawk Superette or Jen’s Kitchen nearby), a beer, or nice weather.
This pocket park is located on the north side of Calumet near the former Tamrack Mining Company shafts, including Shaft No. 4, where Ruther Anne Miller was lost in 1966.
Another perk of the park is that you can walk here from downtown Calumet. If you’re looking for something larger (or all the seats are taken), check out the nearby Calumet Lions Park.