Ore Dock (Lower Harbor)

Marquette had the nation’s first ore dock built exclusively for iron back in the mid-1800s, and the ore dock that has become synonymous with Marquette in the lower harbor was built in 1931. It was still used until the 1970s, when it was discontinued, making the Upper Harbor (or Presque Isle) Ore Dock the only operating dock in Michigan. Although the Lower Harbor Ore Dock has not been used since it was shuttered in 1971, some citizens have a plan for its revitalization. The Friends of the Ore Dock have been working to turn the almost century-old landmark into a sort of public park using private investment funds. The plan is to make the lower portion of the dock a promenade that can be walked and the top of the dock a garden. The project is still probably 15 years from completion, so don’t hold your breath, but I have to admit that the project is one of the most unique I have seen in my travels around Michigan.