Scrappy Falls

Before diving too far into this post, it’s worth mentioning that this is a small, seasonal waterfall. On three trips past it, significant water flowed twice, both in the Spring after light rain storms. The exposed rock is significant, as it’s evidence that there is often falling water here.

Scrappy Falls is located next to an ATV trail that runs from Lac La Belle toward one of the main trails that runs across the Keweenaw Peninsula. It isn’t on a named creek or river, but mountain runoff from Mount Bohemia that only exists in the spring snowmelt or after a significant rain.

On this visit to Scrappy Falls, someone had marked it with a large stick. This is handy for finding the waterfall, which is easier to find when traveling east on Bete Gris Road.

There’s another small waterfall, Dappy Falls, a short drive further east on Bete Gris Road, that looks similar but is only visible for parts of the year.

Both falls are likely not worth taking a trip for, but if you’re already headed to Bete Gris, Bete Gris Roadside Park and Beach, or the Mendota Lighthouse View, it’s worth seeing if they’re flowing.

Eric Hergenreder

A photographer, writer, and researcher based out of Detroit, Michigan.


Conglomerate Falls (Gratiot River)


Dappy Falls